Magnesium is an essential mineral and the second most abundant after calcium.
It plays a role in hundreds of different processes from helping to form enzymes for energy production to muscle and nervous system functions and bone & tooth formation.
Good food sources include green leafy vegetables, nuts and bread.
Recommended daily intake for adults aged 19 - 64 is 300mg for men and 270mg for women.
Deficiency may be more common than we believe with the UK showing lower consumption levels than recommended. Many people benefit from taking magnesium supplements. Deficiency can cause a wide range of symptoms including nausea, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, diarrhoea and muscle cramps.
- When buying magnesium supplements be wary of how much is in the supplement as many brands have very little due to the amount of space is needed for magnesium. If you buy a multivitamin with magnesium, you will be required to take multiple tablets or capsules daily to get the necessary amount. We will soon be launching magnesium in 2 formats with high quality and better absorbed than many products on the market currently.
- Be cautious that if you have your magnesium levels measured, the result may not truly reflect your total body storage. If in doubt, speak to a Doctor whom specialises in nutrition or health medicine.
- Magnesium levels often fall when you are unwell, consume excess alcohol or do not absorb properly.
- Some medications like diuretics (water tablets used to treat high blood pressure) and proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole used to treat indigestion related symptoms. You should consider magnesium supplements if you take medications like these regularly.